How To Create Flawless Look With Deep Curly Hair Bundles I India Hair International I

Tips To Blend In Deep Curly Hair Bundles With Short Hair

As we all know, there are numerous advantages to using deep curly hair bundles, such as achieving a completely different look and adding volume to thin or short hair. However, it is difficult for those with short natural hair to conceal their deep curly hair bundles extension in short hair to appear natural. We'll show you how to hide extensions in short hair in this blog.

Before we get into how to skillfully hide hair extensions in short hair, let's look at why hair extensions can't blend in with short hair.

  •  Hair extensions of sufficient weight and length;
  • These extensions are made of synthetic hair and do not blend in with your short hair;
  •  The color of your hair extensions differs from that of your natural hair.
  • You have a lob or a blunt hairstyle.

Now that we understand why hair extensions cannot be perfectly hidden in short hair, let us learn all the tips and tricks for hiding hair extensions in short hair!

How Do You Hide Deep Curly Hair Bundles Extensions In Short Hair?

1. Cut Or Trim The Hair Bundles

Short extensions will look more natural on short hair than long extensions. To match your hair extensions with your short hair, you can purchase extensions ranging in length from 16 to 18 inches from the market. You can even go for shorter extensions if your hair is shorter than chin length.

Of course, if you purchase extensions that are longer than you prefer, you can trim them yourself at home or seek assistance from a professional hairstylist.

2. Choose An Appropriate Hair Extension Color

Indian Remy Hair

Get Color Of Indian Remy Hair That Suit You

When it comes to short hair, it can be easier to go with a lighter color than your natural color, allowing the extensions to blend in more easily.

If at all possible, avoid purchasing the extensions online. Instead, please complete your purchase at a physical beauty supply store.

Alternatively, you can buy some human hair weaves from online suppliers and not worry about the color. After all, you can color the extensions to match your natural hair.

Now, you know some tips to create a flawless look with these deep curly hair bundles extensions. You can employ these tips on Indian Remy hair. Get hair extensions from India Hair International as they sell the best quality hair extensions and wigs.  
